The History of International Matchmaking

For about as long as relationships between men and women have existed, matchmaking has always been around. Its roots can be traced far back to almost every known ancient civilization, and as long as there are single men and women looking for partnership, it will continue to exist in one form or another.
Throughout history, matchmaking has taken many forms, from forming alliances between kingdoms to connecting couples through online international matchmaking sites.
In most early cultures, only arranged marriages were allowed. Marriage was used as a tool to secure wealth, property, and power. There was no concept of choice when it came to marriage, as only arranged marriages were allowed.
Master matchmakers were historically middlemen who would choose potential partners for men and women based on education, socioeconomic standing, and geographic considerations. Because marriage was closely tied to religion, it was put upon religious authorities, like clergy or monks, to carry out the matchmaking. The Jewish version of matchmaking is the Shidduch, wherein the shadchan, usually Orthodox Jewish, would carry out the service for a fee.
Even today, traditional matchmaking exists in places like India and China where a great number of marriages are arranged. China’s history with matchmaking goes back more than 2,000 years, and is still a huge industry today due to the negative social perception of unwed women.
In many countries today, many single women in their 30’s, or older, are pressured to find a partner, thus resorting to matchmaking services, mostly online.
The shift towards marrying for love can be traced to around 1150 where the monk, Gratian, cited consent for marriage in his legal textbook known as Decretum Gratiani.
In 1600’s Britain, the practice of matchmaking focused on pairing young men and women from the same social class. It became a popular pastime for married women to facilitate the tradition of matchmaking for young, innocent couples. Even today, in places like Ireland, matchmakers are present at festivals to render their expert judgement for potential matches.
In modern times, arranged marriage has been viewed negatively, especially in Western countries. Matchmaking has evolved to include personal choice and consent between couples and has taken a more recreational form. TV shows like The Bachelor and other dating shows are loose forms of matchmaking that play into the suspense and thrill of blind dating.
Nowadays, the medium of matchmaking has moved from actual people, acting as middlemen, to online dating sites and mobile apps. In the age of social media, men looking to meet single women are turning to their phones and computers. With single people’s constant and ever growing need to find partners for flings, casual hook-ups, or long term relationships, online matchmaking will continue to become a big, big business.
International Matchmaking - How It Has Helped Men and Women Find True Love
To be clear, the proliferation of online dating sites and apps like Tinder or even Craigslist has given people unlimited avenues for casual connection, hollow flirting, and unchecked promiscuity. Through the veil of anonymity, scammers are able to create fake profiles and deceive unsuspecting and often desperate individuals for financial gain.
While click and swipe apps are a cause for enjoyment for millions, they are not for serious love seekers. They are as casual as they come, like the fast food of matchmaking.
While anecdotal evidence indicates that couples have found love through these dating sites and apps, they are few and far between.
Serious matchmaking sites like International Dating don’t rely simply on points and clicks as verifiable criteria for compatibility. The process goes much deeper and involves actual boot-on-the-ground assessment and analysis.
Prior to a face-to-face meetup, both men and women who registered for International Dating will undergo a thorough in-person investigative process by actual expert matchmakers. Nothing beats the human element. No series of algorithms can assess human emotion, pain, longing, and desire.
International Dating, as a matchmaking service, has an impeccable track record of helping men find the women of their dreams in foreign countries. While the initial encounter between a man and woman is online, the services go so much deeper. The key to true love is in meeting your match and spending time with her in the most romantic conditions possible. This is the mission and method of a true matchmaking company like International Dating.
Because of the ever changing social norms, men seeking more conventional relationships prefer dating and marrying foreign women. Many Western men are discovering that their compatible matches are in countries within Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.
Dating foreign women, however, is a logistical nightmare. It is literally crossing over oceans and mountains to find your true love. But with the help of an agency like International Dating that has all the logistics covered, as well as providing expert matchmaking services, many men are treated to a convenient, hassle-free dating experience.
Simply put, social media and casual online sites focus on quantity. An authentic matchmaking agency like International Dating has the highest standards of quality and client satisfaction.
Find your match and sign up for International Dating today!