Date International Women

There are a few things that are as exhilarating as going on a date with a foreign woman in another country. It truly is a rushing experience which requires one to go completely out of his comfort zone. To wine and dine with international women is an open invitation to sweet triumph or disappointment.
The rewards, however, far outweigh the risk. While not everyone shares the same perspective on dating someone outside of their own nationality, many fruitful, meaningful, and lasting relationships have been born outside of international waters. Understandably, many international relationships end up as long distance ones, at least temporarily. To meet and date a foreign woman means taking risks and accepting the challenges that come with it. Many couples successfully deal with long distance relationships by being creative with how they stay connected.
Besides the love element, having a foreign girlfriend has many wonderful benefits. Here are a couple of things that dating international single girls can give you:
- Travel
There is no better excuse to travel than to be with the woman you are dating. While traveling on its own is one of life’s greatest pleasures, traveling with someone you love is a reason to be alive. You get to see beautiful places, eat at exotic restaurants, and simply enjoy life, all with a beautiful lady by your side.
Bonding with your sweetheart is an absolute reason to travel. It makes an already fun experience meaningful, and it gives you memories that last a lifetime. - Exposure to Other Cultures and People
Traveling isn’t simply about going on a vacation. The lessons traveling gives us are invaluable and lasting. While going on a trip might cost you an airline ticket and a hotel accommodation, you can’t put a price on broadening your perspective and learning about other cultures.
Traveling gives you an opportunity to meet new people who offer different perspectives on living. For countless people, traveling has positively impacted the way they live, work, do business, and keep relationships.
Dating Etiquette
A successful date with a foreign lady begins with you. In order to leave her impressed and happy, you will need to handle yourself in a respectable and dignified manner. Whether you are on dating sites or meeting in person, portray yourself as the kind of man worth being with.
In the case of dating foreign women, you may need to pay attention to certain cultural differences or nuances before you can even propose a date. An example would be if you need to ask the parents’ permission to take their daughter out. Perhaps the lady adheres to certain cultural or religious practices which may limit your options for food, time, or location.
Whichever way you go, you can’t go wrong with these tips:
- Be respectful and confident
Any successful date begins with a good show of manners and respect. Being polite and attentive to your partner is a surefire way to make a good impression.
Chivalry may be dead in certain places, but being a gentleman is never out of fashion. - Dress well
First impressions are important, and nothing gives a better first impression than a well dressed man. It doesn’t mean you have to show up in a tuxedo, but showing up looking sharp and confident is sure to get your lady’s attention. Fashion may be a personal choice, but a well thought out ensemble is sure to score plus points regardless of your woman’s nationality.
Don’t forget that good hygiene, posture, and neatness are all part of a man’s finery. - Keep open and quality communication
A date is all about enjoying the company of another person. A date with a foreign lady is an opportunity to have a good time without the baggage. Yes, cultural differences are an obstacle. The key is quality communication. Be open and clear about your intentions. Foreign women have great instincts. They know when you are fooling around.
Be genuinely interested in learning more about her. Ask her questions about her culture, family, and the things she likes. Quality conversation is the bedrock of any good date. It may take a bit of effort and practice at first, but if you want to start out strong, this is the way to go. - Don’t brag
Unfortunately, many men fall into the trap of talking about themselves too much. Like a good tango, it’s all about give and take. Women want to be heard. If language becomes a problem, take it slow and give her a chance to express what she wants to say. The date isn’t just about you. If you know how to temper your conversation, she will be impressed regardless.
Dating Deal Breakers
Don’t let the fact that you are a foreign man give you the impression that nothing can go wrong. Here are some things you need to avoid if you want to date a foreign woman successfully:
- Disrespect for Culture
If your ultimate goal is to have a lasting, meaningful relationship with a foreign woman, you need to embrace and respect everything about her, including her country, family, friends, and culture. Arrogance is no way to begin a happy relationship. - Sexual Advances
Understand that some countries are conservative when it comes to relationships. Yes, some women are more open than others. Whichever the case, if your sole intention is to have a one night stand or elicit sexual favors, you may want to reconsider your priorities. Many countries do not tolerate promiscuity and many women can sniff ill intentions from far away.
Don’t expect a free pass. To create something worthwhile and meaningful, do it the right way and earn her trust. - Financial Instability
It’s a given that many women date foreign men for their money. While we do not promote this kind of relationship, it’s simply reality that women, especially in more traditional cultures, look to men as the provider. This is why older men usually have an advantage in the international dating scene, considering they are usually more financially stable.
Romantic Date Ideas
A quality date should be enjoyable for both you and your partner. You don't have to be particularly creative or out-of-the-box with your date. When in doubt, stick to these basics:
- A Nice, Decent Restaurant
You can never go wrong with taking your date out to a good restaurant. Avoid choosing an overly cheap eatery or an extremely expensive restaurant as they may set the wrong expectations and make the date uncomfortable from the onset. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or locals. - A Beautiful Tourist Spot
If you are lost for conversation topics, being at a tourist spot with your date will make that problem go away. Tourist spots and historical sites give you plenty to talk about, aside from being visual and giving you tons of cultural treats.
Are you ready to take these tips to heart and impress the foreign woman of your dreams? Sign up for International Dating and begin an exciting journey of love!